Joe Tischbern

Joe Tischbern

Company: Chedraui USA

Job title: Vice President - Talent Development & Engagement


Discover: Constructing a United Company Culture Throughout a Time of Increased Mergers & Acquisitions in Retail 9:10 am

How can we best support our people through organisational changes during mergers and acquisitions? Facilitating effective communication between frontline workers and remote or corporate workers to disseminate key information Hear how Chedraui USA has successfully expanded its geographical market while merging three different frontline and distribution workforces and company culturesRead more

day: Day Two (Until 1:30)

Develop: What Best Practices Can HR Leaders Implement to Foster a Unified Company Culture During Mergers & Enhance Employee Retention? 9:30 am

Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the Chair  What strategies can HR leaders employ to effectively communicate and support employees during periods of organizational change, such as mergers and acquisitions, to maintain morale and engagement? How can organizations ensure that managers are equipped to address the unique needs and motivations of their diverse workforce? What role…Read more

day: Day Two (Until 1:30)

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