Reginald Johnson

Company: Signet Jewelers

Job title: Senior Vice President - Field Human Resources & Chief Diversity Officer


Develop: What More Can we Learn From The HR Leaders Re-imagining Their Talent Development Strategy? 11:20 am

Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the ChairRead more

day: Day Two

Discover: Leveraging Leadership Development & Performance Management To Build Great Retail Leaders 11:00 am

How can we better understand the needs of our aspiring leaders and build personal development plans to help them achieve their personal goals, whilst also meeting our business goals? Re-imagining performance management to enhance leadership development with an investment into people development to nurture our leaders of tomorrow Enhancing opportunity for our workforce to move…Read more

day: Day Two

Panel Discussion: Prioritizing Key and Meaningful DE&I Initiatives to Enhance Opportunity Within The Retail Sector 3:20 pm

How can we enhance opportunities within the retail industry to reduce turnover and promote a career in retail to a new generation? Creative ways to break into new talent pools and create new job roles and opportunities for underrepresented communities to transition into corporate roles and join a community of retail workers Prioritizing DEI initiatives…Read more

day: Day One

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